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Libri gratis: Upgrading Visual Basic 6.0 to Visual Basic .NET

La Microsoft rende disponibile, gratuitamente per il download, il volume in inglese: "Upgrading Visual Basic 6.0 to Visual Basic .NET".
Il libro è diviso in 21 capitoli: 1. Introduction to Upgrading, 2. Visual Basic 6 and Visual Basic .NET Differences, 3. Upgrading Options, 4. Preparing Your Project for the Upgrade to Visual Basic .NET, 5. Your First Upgrade, 6. Common Tasks in Visual Basic .NET, 7. Upgrading Wizard Ins and Outs, 8. Errors, Warnings, and Issues, 9. Using Visual Basic 6 with Visual Basic .NET: COM Interop, 10. Ten Common Upgrade Problems, 11. Resolving Issues with Language, 12. Resolving Issues with Forms, 13. Upgrading ActiveX Controls and Components, 14. Resolving Data Access Issues, 15. Problems That Require Redesign, 16. Upgrading COM+ Components, 17. Upgrading VB Application Wizard Projects, 18. Adding Value to Your Applications, 19. Replacing ActiveX Controls with Windows Forms Controls, 20. Moving from ADO to ADO.NET, 21. Upgrading Distributed Applications.

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